Vaccines readily available in North Texas
Parkland Memorial Hospital staff await patrons at the Dallas College Eastfield Campus drive-through vaccination clinic on May 29. The drive-through vaccination clinic closed May 29 and relocated to the main hospital at 5200 Harry Hines Blvd.
May 29, 2021
All Texans over the age of 16 are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to Texas Health and Human Services. Many clinics and centers offering the vaccine have opened their doors to all adults.
Parkland Hospital, Fair Park and Dallas College Eastfield Campus are providing vaccines. Most vaccination sites require a pre-registration to be completed and submitted online, as well as an ID.
On April 6, in a collegewide email to employees, Sharon Davis, chief critical response officer for Dallas College, said she recommends employees and students register through the Parkland Health & Hospital System. Parkland is one of the organizations giving free vaccines to Dallas College students.
To register for the vaccine, residents must first create a Parkland MyChart account, either through the MyChart app or at After an account has been created, an appointment can be made. The website allows users to choose a location, date and time that is best for them.
Michelle Diaz, a Dallas College student, registered through the Parkland Health System and chose to receive her vaccine at the Eastfield Campus. She said: “The nurses giving the vaccines were really nice and helpful. It made the whole experience a lot more calming.”
According to the Parkland website, residents over the age of 16 can go to Ellis Davis Field House drive-thru center to receive the vaccine without making an appointment. The center is open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Dallas County residents can also register through the Dallas County website, or call 855-466-8639, to receive a vaccination at Fair Park. This location is allowing anyone 60 years or older to receive the vaccine without an appointment or pre-registration.
Residents can also find a vaccine clinic or different site by going to the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler.
The federal government has covered the expenses of the vaccine so it will be free to everyone who is eligible, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 website. Immigrant status and health insurance status does not affect vaccine eligibility.
According to a Dallas College April 7 press release, the college will offer classes in-person, online and in hybrid formats during the Summer and Fall 2021 semesters. The normalcy is much needed due to the course success rates for dual credit students dropping by 9%.
In a Feb. 22 email, Davis said employees who are fully vaccinated can voluntarily submit their information to the COVID Vaccine Tracking link in eConnect. “Having this information will assist the Critical Response Office as it continues its planning,” Davis said.
In an April 3 tweet, Clay Jenkins, Dallas County Judge, said, “The most important thing you can do for public health right now is to get registered for the COVID vaccine and get vaccinated.” He encourages everyone to get the vaccine. Jenkins said the COVID-19 virus could eventually mutate into strains that will be able to resist the vaccine. This warning has been an alarming wake up call to many.