Schools should require vaccines

Brandon Donner

Pharmacist intern Jheen Cater administers a COVID-19 vaccine to a patient during Dallas College Brookhaven Campus’ vaccine clinic June 30.

Antoine Appiah, Contributing Writer

The COVID-19 pandemic ravaged most parts of the world and had far-reaching implications for various sectors. Learning institutions were prompted to alter their academic calendars as schools were forced to close and suspend all in-person learning.

However, innovation and technology provided solutions as teachers embarked in virtual class sessions with their students. The sustainability of online learning was opposed by skeptics who said virtual learning was less effective. Difficulties translating some courses into online formats that require interactivity were another cause for concern.

The use of vaccines is one of the best solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic. The reduced transmission rates allowed some countries to reopen social and learning environments.

In Dallas, as the number of positive cases has decreased, authorities eased restrictions and containment measures to allow the population to resume their normal lives.

On June 14, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said fully vaccinated people were free to resume ordinary activities without masks, according to The Dallas Morning News. Clay’s statements emphasized vaccination as a crucial step toward shielding the population from infections.

Despite the milestones achieved in containing the pandemic, the outbreak of a new wave is still possible.

According to The Washington Post, new strains, such as the Delta variant, pose a significant risk to the population. This makes it necessary for authorities to boost their vaccination efforts.

The population needs to take additional measures in minimizing chances of contracting the virus.

School settings form conditions where the disease can spread. Personal protection by boosting one’s immunity to the disease will help suppress transmission numbers. When a significant percentage of the population is vaccinated against the disease, the number of carriers is reduced, suppressing transmission.

It is essential that colleges and universities prioritize inoculating students, staff and faculty on their campuses.

Vaccinating their populations will help create a safe environment for all, a measure that Dallas College has implemented.

On June 30, Dallas College partnered with H-E-B to host a vaccination clinic at Brookhaven Campus. Efforts to increase vaccinations have also been implemented at the Eastfield, Cedar Valley and Mountain View campuses.

Vaccinations for other diseases such as meningitis are already mandated for most new students before attending classes.

Vaccinations help minimize the potential disruptions that may arise as a result of outbreaks. By protecting their populations, colleges and universities will demonstrate their leadership and social responsibility putting the welfare of their students first.