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Award-winning student news since 1978

The Brookhaven Courier

Award-winning student news since 1978

The Brookhaven Courier

New SGA officers share future goals

Aimee Morgan
Front row from left: Jaseng Ing, Elizabeth Zuniga, Yuka Saekow, Abby Park and Riendie Kabasele. Back row from left: Techchheng Tray, Isaac Dixon and Alejandro Arballo.

Dallas College Brookhaven Campus’ Student Government Association opened polls for the 2024-2025 academic year’s executive committee. Election winners were announced on April 16. These leaders were elected by their peers and will represent the student population in the upcoming academic year .

Why did you want to be a part of SGA? 

Yuki Saeli: I wanted to take the opportunity to enhance student life quality and contribute to the campus community.

What impact do you hope to make at Brookhaven in your position?

Abby Park: Personally, I found that a lot of people are not aware of the kinds of clubs on campus and the opportunities for involvement, so I think it’s a really good idea for us to work on student engagement and to motivate students to work with and meet new people through clubs and other activities.

What do you hope to learn from your position?

Jaseng Ing: I hope to learn and strengthen my understanding of financial management, budgeting and accommodating to what the student body needs.

A few of you are a part of this year’s committee, what skills have you strengthened for an even better following year?

Techchheng Tray: I took on being an officer for Brookhaven’s SGA because I wanted to be more sociable and outgoing, more specifically with my peers and so even more so now, I have learned lots from the new connections I have made with people and these soft skills have continued to grow through my work as an officer. 

What specific aspirations do you have in relation to your position?

Alejandro Arballo: I want to improve the tutoring conditions down in the library such as bettering the environment itself and possibly even switching to a new area for this resource – improving the materials such as the textbooks and solution manuals as well. 

What plans does SGA already have in the works?

Elizabeth Zuniga: We are in the works of planning a biweekly newsletter and so this will go ahead and help with gathering more information on events and organizations around the campus and putting that out for students to have access to.

When will SGA hold meetings to discuss student issues?

Yuki Saeli: We want students to get involved with SGA and to show up to our meetings to discuss with one another. Meeting times and days for the next academic year are still getting settled, but we for sure will also host semester town hall meetings where everyone can bring up suggestions or concerns. So, we of course will discuss student issues at every meeting and, since we are all a part of the student body, student issues are something of priority. 

What new initiatives will you bring to the table as the new executive committee? 

Yuka Saekow: My main goal is to get students more involved and engaged so I will do my best to spread campus news as much as possible, take part in creating more campus events and develop a space where students can spend more time on campus for fun.


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