By Carolyn Bossmann
Staff Writer

It is hard to find an actor or actress who is truly 100 percent dedicated to their role. It is almost impossible to find an entire cast of actors who are. “Fury” is one of those rare movies that has a talented and dedicated cast and brings a new look at the World War II movie genre, which has been making money for the film industry for years.
However, “Fury” is in no way a feel-good, hooray-wewon- the-war kind of movie. It is a violent, gritty and honest film about the harsh reality of soldiers in World War II. This is most eloquently stated by Wardaddy, played by Brad Pitt: “Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.”
“Fury” introduces the audience to a group of five men who inhabit a Sherman tank called Fury. It is quickly made clear that this is no ordinary group. Led by the seasoned veteran named Wardaddy, the group consists of the men who have served in that particular Sherman tank since they landed in Africa and continued into the invasion of Europe. The war is soon to be over, though the characters do not know that yet.
Their story is picked up after the death of one of their own. While mourning, they are assigned a soldier to take his place. Norman, played by Logan Lerman, is a brand new recruit, a trained typist who has never seen an army camp, let alone the inside of a Sherman tank.
Norman is the perfect cliché of the guy new to the harsh reality that is war. He is afraid, refuses to fight against another man, and the last place he wants to be is in a tank with Wardaddy and his men. The plot follows Norman’s introduction to the men and a war that he does not agree with but has to accept.
The score is perfect in every scene, with a chilling piano to slow down tense moments and an ascending choir to build up to a plot arc. The shots in the film give the cramped feeling of being in the tank, and when the tank hatches are opened, it’s as if a light breeze just floated through the theater.
This movie will probably annoy history buffs, as some of the scenes are a bit farfetched. However, the tanks used in the movie are very lifelike, as are the emotional performances by the actors. Do not let the nature of some scenes be a deterrent because this raw look into World War II is not one to miss.