By Mira Scott
Contributing Writer
Brookhaven College has hosted stargazing events for students under the supervision of astronomy faculty and observing assistants since the early 1990s. These stargazing events occur every spring and fall semester, at varying times for different astronomical events.
Students use the information they learn in class to find their way around the night sky. From 8-10 p.m., April 5, in the plaza between X and K buildings, the public, along with Brookhaven students, can stargaze.
“The sky constantly changes – that is one of the fun things about astronomy,” Chaz Hafey, a physics and astronomy professor, said. “Each observing session is different since the sky always has different planets visible and the moon in different locations.” On April 5, attendees will be able to look at the moon, Orion Nebula, Jupiter and its four moons, several constellations and more.
The event is designed for attendees to have fun and to learn something. It also gives those who want to know more about space a brief and memorable experience, Anahita Sidhwa, a physics and astronomy professor, said.
“My philosophy is that if you want to learn astronomy, you have to put eye to eyepiece and let the real photons from the object enter your eye,” Sidhwa said. The event allows a person to see what the average human eye cannot, such as mountains and craters on the moon or a total lunar eclipse, through several telescope lenses.
In case of inclement weather, no alternative date has been set for the spring stargazing event. For more information, call the astronomy hotline at 972-860-4301 after 3 p.m.